Fifth Grade Vocabulary Worksheet Below are Latin and Greek origin prefixes and suffixes and their meanings. Writethree words that contain these prefixes or suffixes. Then write each word’s meaning. Prefix: dict- #1: diction #2: dictator #3: dictionary Suffix: -mit #1: emit #2: transmit #3: admit Suffix: -ject #1: inject #2: object Downloads
Preview and Download !Prefix and suffix words Fourth Grade Vocabulary Worksheet Below are Latin and Greek origin prefixes and suffixes and their meanings. Writethree words that contain these prefixes or suffixes. Then write each word’s meaning. Prefix: pre- #1: prejudge #2: prepay #3: preapprove Suffix: -meter #1: diameter #2: thermometer #3: kilometer Downloads
Preview and Download !Suffix: -ship Meaning: condition of, skill #1: championship a contest for the position of champion in a sport #2: friendship the state of being friends #3: hardship a condition that is difficult to endure; suffering Prefix: super- Meaning: above, on top of, beyond #1: superfine (of fibers or an instrument) very thin Downloads
Preview and Download !Third Grade Vocabulary Worksheet Write the meaning of each, prefix, suffix and root word. Write the new word andwhat that new word means. theprefix/suffixprefix/suffixroot wordmeans: -graph write photo the rootwordmeans: light new wordthe newwordmeans: picturephotographmade using camera* -ful -ing bio- full of action/process life power Downloads
Preview and Download !Suffix - A letter or a group of letters added to the end of a root or base word to change its meaning, Root - the form of a word after all affixes are removed (Generally, prefixes and suffixes change the meanings of roots, but it is usually the suffix that denotes the part of speech.) Incorporate prefix, suffix, and roots into working with ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Fourth Grade Vocabulary Worksheet Write the meaning of each prefix, suffix and root word. Write the new word andwhat that new word means. theprefix/suffixprefix/suffixroot wordthe rootwordnew wordthe newword bi- two lingual speechsoundsbilingualknowing twolanguages under- below ground land, earth’sunder-solid surfacegroundbelow thesurface Downloads
Preview and Download !Materials: copies of the worksheets for students 1 Students read the sentences noting the words in italics. Students then decide on the correct prefix or suffix to make the sentence correct. Monitor students whilst they work and answer any questions. Elicit answers from the class. Answers: 1 unfair 2 revisit 3 useless 4 careful 5 attractive Downloads
Preview and Download !tallest talltall esteessttest unhappy preschool disappear younger become misspoke ungrateful replay worthless PREFIX ROOT WORD SUFFIX underground Downloads
Preview and Download !Prefix and suffix words Fourth Grade Vocabulary Worksheet Below are Latin and Greek origin prefixes and suffixes and their meanings. Writethree words that contain these prefixes or suffixes. Then write each word’s meaning. Prefix: non- #1: nonfat #2: nonsense #3: nonlinear Prefix: tri- #1: triangle #2: tricycle #3: triple Suffix: -rupt Downloads
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